Hopeless Romantic


Hopeless Romantic is a timeless bouquet with twelve pink roses, radiating elegance and affection for various occasions. The gentle pink hue symbolizes appreciation, joy, and sweetness. Meticulously arranged to showcase each bloom’s beauty, it’s a heartfelt gift expressing care and admiration. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or showing gratitude, this bouquet’s abundance of roses leaves a lasting and sincere impression.

SKU: R12M-PW Categories: ,

Hopeless Romantic is a timeless bouquet with twelve pink roses, radiating elegance and affection for various occasions. The gentle pink hue symbolizes appreciation, joy, and sweetness. Meticulously arranged to showcase each bloom’s beauty, it’s a heartfelt gift expressing care and admiration. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or showing gratitude, this bouquet’s abundance of roses leaves a lasting and sincere impression.


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