

Heartstring is a captivating bouquet of six roses in three distinct colors, creating a visual masterpiece that communicates emotions without words. Each color carries a unique message:

Red Roses: Bold and velvety, they symbolize deep love and desire.

Light Pink Roses: Graceful and joyful, they express affection and gratitude.

Fuchsia Pink Roses: Vibrant and exciting, they convey deep appreciation and recognition.

This bouquet elegantly captures a range of emotions through its colors, making it a heartfelt gesture.

SKU: R6-M Categories: ,

Heartstring is a captivating bouquet of six roses in three distinct colors, creating a visual masterpiece that communicates emotions without words. Each color carries a unique message:

Red Roses: Bold and velvety, they symbolize deep love and desire.

Light Pink Roses: Graceful and joyful, they express affection and gratitude.

Fuchsia Pink Roses: Vibrant and exciting, they convey deep appreciation and recognition.

This bouquet elegantly captures a range of emotions through its colors, making it a heartfelt gesture.


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